The Other Line is a lifestyle and apparel brand that inspires and encourages working individuals to pursue passions and projects outside of work as a first step towards fulfillment. Chances are if you’re reading this, you take a CTA Line to get to work, but if you like the idea of taking a line to something you love, something you want, especially when “professional life” demands so much, join us in taking The Other Line.
The Other Line
Check Out What We Do
We all do stuff. Sometimes.
Showcasing those who pursue passions and projects outside work as a first step towards fulfillment.
Together, apart, with new people, don’t let consequences outweigh opportunities. Pursue fufillment.
Who doesn’t like a nice brunch hat? Bags for the beach? Put down the Ralph Lauren. Find your The Other Line totem.
The Other Line is about embracing the moment, making the most of every opportunity, and creating meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals. Sometimes that means that TOL doesn’t always fit into a neat category or happen with the same people. It does reflect that we all have separate lives and funky projects that don’t always have a direct line. But we usually throw it on The Other Line to see where it ends up anyways.
Just like any good Line, The Other Line tries to track where it goes and lists its stops for anyone to get off on. Delays are to be expected but it’ll get you there. Weeknight services run late and weekends run all day.